Our patented TPS Obsolescence Mitigation™ technology isolates your test system from your test program, protecting your investments and capabilities from being rendered useless.
Simplify your life and streamline your product test development time. Great environment to quickly develop support for bank/ATM systems, consumer electronics, closed circuit TV systems, industrial controls, aviation electronics, laboratory and university testing.
TCASE allows you to integrate and automate any class or type of command and control based instrumentation available today.
Using TCASE you can immediately begin generating seamless Windows® based transportable test code to control and validate your products in a user-friendly environment without the complicated overhead of competing products.
The TBASIC language is ideal for creating custom automatic test solutions providing easy means to encapsulate and reuse old programs
Toolsets are available to convert legacy program languages into TCASE constructs.
Fully supports industry standards such as VISA, VPP, IVI, and the ATML initiatives.
In the increasingly complex world of technology, shouldn’t satisfying your test requirements be achievable without relying on a staff of software experts?