Each grouping may consist of 15 levels of development ranging from Complexity 0 to Complexity 14, with level 14 the most complex. Within each complexity, nine additional subcomplexity levels exist.
Example: RF TPS Development - LRU - Complexity 4.0 to 4.9
Each grouping may consist of 5 levels of development ranging from Complexity 1 to Complexity 5, with level 5 the most complex. Within each complexity, nine additional subcomplexity levels exist.
Example: PADS TPS Development - SRU - Complexity 4.0 to 4.9
Each grouping may consist of 5 levels of development ranging from Complexity 1 to Complexity 5, with level 5 the most complex. Within each complexity, nine additional subcomplexity levels exist.
Example: PADS TPS Development - LRU - Complexity 4.0 to 4.9
This group consists of 11 levels of development ranging from Complexity 0 to Complexity 10, with level 10 the most complex. Within each complexity, nine additional subcomplexity levels exist.
Example: Variant TPS Development - Complexity 1.0 to 1.9
The Very Complex ITA Enhancements consist of five levels ranging from Complexity 1 to Complexity 5, with level 5 the most complex. Within each complexity, nine additional subcomplexity levels exist.
Example: Very Complex ITA Enhancement - Complexity 1.0 to 1.9
Contact ATTI for a description of Complexity Levels.
CSU (Central Switching Unit) ITA Upgraded Cable Set
Ancillary Equipment is used in support of LRU and SRU ITAs, and ATE equipment.
This group consists of nine levels of equipment ranging from Complexity 1 to Complexity 9, with level 9 the most complex. Within each complexity, nine additional subcomplexity levels exist.
Example: Ancillary Equipment- Complexity 1.0 to 1.9
This group consists of ten levels ranging from Complexity 1 to Complexity 10, with level 10 the most complex. Within each complexity, nine additional subcomplexity levels exist.
Example: Analog Test Program Set Update - SRU - Complexity 1.0 to 1.9
This group consists of ten levels ranging from Complexity 1 to Complexity 10, with level 10 the most complex. Within each complexity, nine additional subcomplexity levels exist.
Example: Digital Test Program Set Update - SRU - Complexity 1.0 to 1.9
This group consists of ten levels ranging from Complexity 1 to Complexity 10, with level 10 the most complex. Within each complexity, nine additional subcomplexity levels exist.
Example: Analog Test Program Set Update - SRU - Complexity 1.0 to 1.9
This group consists of ten levels ranging from Complexity 1 to Complexity 10, with level 10 the most complex. Within each complexity, nine additional subcomplexity levels exist.
Example: Digital Test Program Set Update - SRU - Complexity 1.0 to 1.9
This group consists of ten levels ranging from Complexity 1 to Complexity 10, with level 10 the most complex. Within each complexity, nine additional subcomplexity levels exist.
Example: Electro Optic Test Program Set Update - SRU - Complexity 1.0 to 1.9
This group consists of ten levels ranging from Complexity 1 to Complexity 10, with level 10 the most complex. Within each complexity, nine additional subcomplexity levels exist.
Example: Analog/Digital Hybrid Test Program Set Update - SRU - Complexity 1.0 to 1.9
This group consists of ten levels ranging from Complexity 1 to Complexity 10, with level 10 the most complex. Within each complexity, nine additional subcomplexity levels exist.
Example: RF Test Program Set Update - SRU - Complexity 1.0 to 1.9